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Pâtissier Showcase in Bakery Business 2019 at Mumbai, India


In partnership with our distributor Fortune Gourmet Specialities Pvt.Ltd, we showcased our range of Pâtissier products in the Bakery Business 2019 at R2 Ground, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai, India from 26 to 28 November 2019.

Visitors were able to learnt about Pâtissier chocolate through in-depth introduction by our distributor while also having the opportunity to taste the creations and be assured of the quality of Pâtissier chocolate. Overall it was a successful show to increase awareness of our product range in India!

We would like to say a big thank you to our distributor Fortune Gourmet Specialities Pvt.Ltd for hosting us, Celebrity Chefs - Chef Arvind Kumar, Chef Rakhee Vaswani and Chef Joonie Tan and all the visitors who came by our booth.

Below are some highlights of the event:

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